
Ever since I was a kid, I always loved redoing my room. I’d move my furniture around on Sundays… my mother always thought I was a little crazy. Here I was a 10 year old kid pushing my heavy wood huge dresser across my room. I had my methods- lay on the floor and push with your feet, push with your back, take breaks, push more, don’t give up til it’s in the spot you want it. In the 8 years we lived in Chicago, my room was painted twice. First I decided I needed light blue walls with light pink trim. My father and I spray painted my furniture light blue and pink to match (we also painted a bit of the brick of our house.. good thing the next owners knocked down the house or they’d be enjoying a light blue outline of a mirror when you stood on the balcony. Good times.  A few years later I wanted a clean, minimalist look and NEEDED white walls with clean light wood and stainless furniture. My parents never gave me a problem with any of my designer urges. (The only rule is the following: I am not allowed to touch their pantry because apparently in my organization of their food products, I hide everything. Every time I go home my mother reminds me that I am by no means allowed to organize the pantry. I usually break that rule).

Even in college I’d reorganize our room. My roommate, D, obliged. I texted her one day mid chaos and said “hope you like how I changed our room. It’ll be so much better, trust me!” And it was so much better.

So, on a random day when G was taking a nap ( her nap must end after 60 minutes, so I had an internal timer ticking…), I once again got the urge to change some things. Being that I don’t have the energy I used to, I didn’t want to take on too much. But what’s a little toy area reorganization, right? Um, wrong.


So I start looking at G’s toy area and it just wasn’t working. I’ve been looking for nice toy storage but haven’t found anything that doesn’t scream CHILD HERE. They have some stuff for millions, but I want a cheap nice storage solution. Meanwhile, I look at our bookcases. BINGO. Bookcases are perfect for toy storage- we have the 3 shelf bookcases from Target that we got a few years ago for $15/bookcase. Problem: our bookcases are full of books. So, I empty all the books out and start moving things around.

At the midway point hit. 30 minutes ticking on the clock… will I make it?


So while the books sat on the floor, I got to organizing the toys and books. I put away some baby toys G no longer plays with and tried to make the toys all easily accessible.

TA DA!!!!


Unfortunately, the original bookcase wall was  left like this. Sad sad wall.


Have no fear, bookcase wall, well former bookcase wall, is having it’s own redecoration! We’re waiting to have our TV mounted on the wall. That TV console is moving to the basement. The chairs are looking for a new resting place. Hopefully soon this wall will come together. As always, I will keep you posted.

Oh, and you’re wondering where all the books went? Good question. They’re sitting on the kitchen table. I know, I know… it’s bad.

If G likes it, we’re all happy.


2 thoughts on “Reorganizing

  1. When you reorganized our dorm furniture, it really was so much better! We all of a sudden had an extra window and more square footage!

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