Controlled Nature… the way we roll!

Well I’m back and B is finally able to relax a few minutes… I’m sure he kept you all entertained during my hiatus! Back to house news->

When we moved in, we figured the landscaping can wait until next Spring. I mean, hello, it’s winter now.  Don’t gardeners only need to come when it’s nice out? Shouldn’t my lawn be covered in snow from October til June? Oh wait, I don’t live in Chicago anymore and despite the cold we’ve had in NY, I have seen my grass and it isn’t smiling at me. So apparently, gardening is a full year thing.. who knew?

Oh how pretty the front lawn looked prior to us killing it.


At first we figured we’d save some money and survive the couple of weeks before winter by mowing the lawn ourselves. HA. Laugh at us please. Ya right… Me? B? Mowing the lawn? Doubtful… When my mother came into town, she took over. She opened our shed, found a (what’s that device that gathers leaves? Shoot.. I’m going to google that)..> RAKE! (Thank you google). So anyway, my mother takes out the rake and gathers the leaves, bags it up, pulls out some weeds, and makes our yard look less like a forest and more like an unwatered, needing to be re-seeded yard. Thank you, Ima!

So while my mother was here, I got the courage to break out the lawnmower the previous owners had left. Failure. I couldn’t figure out how to turn it on. That was the end of the gardening adventure.

Low and behold, a one time yard cleaning doesn’t last a lifetime. I’m not a gardening person. I hate the outdoors. I actually don’t like dirt or grass or sand or leaves. I prefer a potted plant, flowers in a vase- what I call “controlled nature”. My colleagues/friends from when I taught at a hebrew school downtown NYC (shout-out to Alana and Josh! Yes Alana, I mentioned you!) used to make fun of my controlled nature theory. I think it makes sense. I used that logic when searching for a wedding venue in Israel. Israel has the most gorgeous places to get married. But no, I was not walking on grass or dirt and I don’t want trees around- I just wanted it to be pretty. We did get married in a beautiful place 5 minutes outside of Jerusalem called “Ganei Ora”.

Controlled nature… does that make sense now? Is the term catching on?

wedding wedding2 wedding3

I believe I just went off on a tangent.. not sure why there are so many pictures from our wedding, but it’s too pretty not to share.

I can’t wait until Spring… I will gladly hand over our hard earned cash to make our front lawn and backyard look beautiful. I’m dying for a fruit and vegetable garden (minus the bees and the planting and the watering, etc.).

Even without a fruit n veggie garden, I just want some green grass without dirt patches and with some pretty colors from flowers.. I’m excited just thinking about it. 🙂

Sad story is that last week we had a huge snow storm.. so flowers will have to wait.

G aint too thrilled. She prefers flowers and sunshine.
